Thursday, 24 March 2011

Our storyline (Sonia De Abreu)

If we were to make this in to a real movie our story would consist of the character of Jade's journey. From how the tables really turn around when she becomes pregnant and realises that she has to change her life around. She decides to stop the smoking, the drug use, the binge drinking and become a committed single mum and prove to her family that she can really change her life around.

In the opening sequence you see her with a bruised eye which demonstrates her rough background. The story behind it being she got in to a fight with a girl due to being called a slag because of the fact she was pregnant. Her monologue emphasises how rough her life is and how her ex boyfriends just abandoned her in the state she's in. 

As the story goes on its aim is to be thrilling, touching and almost frightening when you see how she acts in her life and her journey. It should take the audience on a cathartic journey and leave them in tears.

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